Shilpa Rao is a St. Louis based, interdisciplinary artist with experience in community art and teaching. She works towards expanding artistic horizons, promoting multicultural outreach and connecting communities through art. Rao believes art can bridge gaps in communities, help heal, voice opinions, and spread positivity. She is a 2020 Teaching Artist Institute fellow from the Regional Arts Commission and has been chosen as a 2023 Community Arts Training (CAT) cohort. Being a certified teaching artist allows her to share her passion and empower youth by using art as a powerful means of communication. Rao was born in India and is inspired by ancient art forms from around the world, especially art rooted in geometric and patterned symmetry. The main components of her work are symmetry, detailed patterns, vibrant colors, and textures. Her work strikes a balance between all the components, creating a meditative imagery that evokes feelings of calm. She has shown her work at galleries, juried shows and art fairs. Rao’s passion is to create collaborative art using her teaching skills with different communities. She has worked with various organizations including The Saint Louis Art Museum, The History Museum, The Magic House, Bread and Roses Missouri, Craft Alliance,  Webster Arts, the City of Manchester, the City of Chesterfield, St. Louis County Library, and Dayspring Arts and Education.